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Mark Riley: The Intersection of Politics and Culture

Feb 28, 2022

Russia vs the rest of the free world...

Spotlight on Black HIstory Month in the US and interviews with living legends of the Black Drum Corps circuit.


Feb 21, 2022

NEW PODCAST EPISODE: Firearm Rights and gun worship are two different things. While places like Canada are able to separate responsible gun ownership from the hands of maniacs – America sadly doesn’t differentiate. Back in 2012, 20 children and six staff from my own elementary school in Newtown, CT, were gunned down...

Feb 14, 2022

COVID ad infinitum… the residuals of this virus are impacting more than just health as inflation and supply chain costs in the US and worldwide are spiralling out of control.

Threats against members of Congress are surging over the past five years. If you count the throwdown in 1804 between Alexander Hamilton and...

Feb 7, 2022

“Liberal states are maliciously withholding COVID vaccines from white people, and Nancy Pelosi is responsible for the January 6th Insurrection.” Call it Diary of a Madman or Trump Trivia, but my left-side brain can’t connect the lumpy Trumpy dots.  White Antivaxxers are now worried about being left out of vaccine...