Aug 30, 2021
Afghanistan: You can blame Trump for negotiating the pull-out, Obama for the mission creep, GW Bush for invading in the first place…but if I were president, I’d be telling the Taliban the deadline is when WE say it is! The COVID jab… freedom rights are yours to decide but stop with the viral videos and fake press....
Aug 23, 2021
The Taliban have taken over Afghanistan but face challenges that weapons and bloodlust won’t fix. The dust is settling on a frozen Treasury and a mass exodus of the very people with the skills it takes to run a country – civil workers. Meanwhile, Federal Unemployment Benefits in the US are about to expire, yet the...
Aug 16, 2021
September 11th the date set for the total withdrawal of US and allied forces from Afghanistan. Why hasn’t the Afghan military been able to fight the Taliban and win without help? Who is financially backing the Taliban and how will things turn out under a regime that will now feel emboldened to use Sharia Law...
Aug 9, 2021
New York State Gov. Andrew Cuomo accused of sexually harassing 11 women and creating a hostile work environment for women! Cuomo resists, as even President Joe Biden has called for his resignation. Meanwhile in the Wild West, Gov. Mike Parson (R-MO), has just pardoned the McCloskeys, that gun-toting couple...
Aug 2, 2021
Can someone explain to me where we are with the coronavirus? Am I the only one utterly confused? CDC mask guidance flip-flops, some states are preventing businesses and schools from requiring mask-wearing, and still we have rapidly increasing infection rates. What are Americans supposed to do? We’ll also be discussing...