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Mark Riley: The Intersection of Politics and Culture

Jan 17, 2022

Giuffre vs The Duke of York: With the key

miscreant dead from suicide and the other about to rot in jail without bail, this story might only be left to the tabloids and screenwriters… but what we do know as fact is that Prince Andrew consorted with sex traffickers.
Meanwhile, the Democrats score another loss from self-sabotage as Senator Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) throws her President under the bus on voter suppression. Is it asking too much to expect a unified position from Dems on key topics? Her battle cry in this case is ‘Let’s use the Bipartisan approach.’ I beg to differ…before we lose Congress again (and more black elected officials), I say let’s take a page out of the Republican book of a unified front!

College, Uni, Undergraduates…whatever you want to call it… enrollment numbers are dropping dramatically. Have today’s young people simply had enough of the Sallie Mae bait and switch game…pay me $100k for your education then spend the rest of your lives in repayment and bad credit?