Jan 24, 2022
New Podcast Episode: I’m not a big fan of reality TV, but the “TrumpWorld family” would make a great storyline. In just this month the keywords are: Supreme Court, White House records, lower court rulings, Capitol insurrection, executive privilege, witch hunt, seizure of voting machines, Ivanka... and of course, what story would be without a good protagonist… Attorney General of New York, Letitia James! My forecast is it’s all worth a good 3-season, 13-episode run on Amazon Prime or Netflix.
Shout out to Howard University’s Knight Chair in Race and
Journalism and Pulitzer Prize Winner, Nikole Hannah-Jones. Her
delivery of a speech at the Union League Club of Chicago
commemorating MLK was nothing short of brilliant. A masterful
literary quilt woven from quoted excerpts of his actual speeches –
but not the usual ‘I have a Dream’ and ‘Let’s all join hands in
harmony’ lines selected over time to appease white palates.
Hannah-Jones substituted the word ‘Negro’ for ‘Black’ and did not
reveal the original author until the end. She cast a chilling
reminder on abusive words like ‘traitor, charlatan and demagogue’
hurled at him at the time. Uncomfortable audience - yes. Hypocrisy
points made…you betcha!
If China is a sworn enemy of this country, then why do we trade to
the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars? Listen to the podcast
for more…